Serving Families of First Responders with Safe Call Now – FSW016

Captain Brian Nanavaty of Safe Call Now interview on Financial Wellness Show

Captain Nanavaty is the Director of Curriculum and Training for Safe Call Now, a confidential and comprehensive 24-hour crisis referral service for first responders, public safety employees, and their family members nationwide. He also serves the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.

He joins us to share his passion for helping first responders and emergency service personnel through tough times.

Whether it be stresses caused from the tough situations they deal with at work or stresses at home, Safe Call Now serves as a  way to help the lives of those who protect us with Honor and Dignity.  We are honored that our wellness coaches were selected to provide financial coaching, workshops and online education to SCN and first responders nationwide.

You can contact Safe Call Now by calling 206-459-3020 or 877-230-6060 or visiting

About The Author

Steve Stewart

Coach Steve has been helping everyday Americans pay attention, not interest, since 2007 after he and his wife paid off $15k in consumer debt and, using the principles he teaches, they paid off their house in 2015. You will find him using his passion and messaging gifts to create financial education content through speaking, blogging and coaching all over the United States. You can reach him by completing a contact form at